In the 50 years of its existence, Tacoma Opera has grown from a small, amateur-based company, little-known outside of the city of Tacoma, into a vibrant regional opera company attracting audiences from all over the Pacific Northwest and beyond. The company has solidified its position as a cultural icon for the South Puget Sound region and has exciting plans for the future. The company has discovered over the years that there is great value in presenting opera in an intimate performance environment so that audiences can connect more directly with the music, the story and the performers in the operas we present. For centuries, opera has been associated with grandiose, large scale and expensive productions that focus on spectacle, but opera today in its grandiose form has become increasingly inaccessible financially to many in the everyday general population as presented in the larger opera houses around the world.

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La Boheme

Unforgettable Music, Unstoppable Love


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